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Home Care Services


Nursing Visits

Our Home Health Nurses provide a variety of tasks during patient visits depending on the specific plan of care and type of patient. They often have the following duties and responsibilities: 

  • Assess and chart observations of the patient’s condition at each visit.

  • Complete evaluation tasks, including reviewing medication and vital signs.

  • Administer Physician-prescribed medication.

  • Dress or redress wounds and assess the healing progress.

  • Provide education to patients and families on proper home health care procedures and strategies.

  • Coordinate with Physicians, Physical Therapists, Occupational Therapists and other individuals in the patient’s care plan.

  • Recommend tools or devices that may improve the quality of life for the patient.


Specialist Services

If your loved one requires more care than you are able to provide, whether due to time constraints or medical knowledge, then contact the team at CHHA to learn about our in-home nursing care options and the benefits of home care. All of our home medical assistance staff are highly trained and knowledgeable in providing the best level of quality nursing care for extra nursing support at home for your loved one. From assistance with managing prescription medications and infusions to catheter care and cardiac oversight, we provide the best private nursing care services in the industry to ensure patient safety!

Call us today on 219-237-6188

Fax Us: 866-967-1639

© 2022 by CARE Home Health Agency.

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